The San Francisco Rent Board has published updated relocation payment amounts for certain no-fault evictions. For notices served between March 1, 2019 and February 29, 2020, the relocation amount due per tenant is $6,980, with a cap of $20,939, plus $4,654 if the household has a minor child, plus $4,654 for each person who is 60 years of age or older or is disabled within the meaning of Government Code section 12955.3. There is no cap on the amount paid for being elderly, disabled, or a household with a minor child. Thus, the total relocation payment can exceed $20,939.
For example, a household with four occupants, with two who are 70 years old and with two others who are disabled, but without any minor children, would receive a relocation payment of $20,939 + $4,654 * 4 = $39,555. Note that if a person is elderly and disabled, that person will only receive one payment of $4,654. Also note that there is only one payment of $4,654 for being a household with a minor child, regardless of the number of minor children.
These new relocation payments amounts apply to the following just causes for eviction in San Francisco:
- Owner move-in;
- Relative move-in;
- Demolition/Permanent removal of unit from housing use;
- Capital improvements in which the tenant is displaced for 20 days or more; and
- Substantial rehabilitation.
These relocation payment amounts do not apply to Ellis Act evictions. Separate amounts and rules apply to Ellis Act evictions.
The first half of the relocation payment must be paid at the time the notice is served; the second half must be paid at the time the tenant vacates. If additional payments of $4,654 are required, the first half of those payments must be paid within 15 days of when the landlord receives written notice the tenant is eligible for the additional payment; the second half of that payment must be paid when the tenant vacates.
To be eligible for the relocation payments the tenant must be an authorized occupant of the rental unit, regardless of age, who has resided in the unit for 12 months or more.
UPDATE: These amounts are updated annually. For the new relocation payment amounts, click here.